Collibra templates

You can use Assessments to create your own templates for assessing assets, or you can use any of the Collibra (out-of-the-box) templates. Assessments also includes an out-of-the-box template for Collibra AI Governance customers.

  • Assessment templates are shown only if you have a global role that has the Assessments > Manage Templates global permission.
  • Collibra assessment templates are shown only if the Show out of the box templates setting is enabled in Collibra Console or Collibra settings.

The following table describes the Collibra templates shown on the templates page.

Type Template Description
Privacy / Privacy Impact Assessment
  • DPIA
  • PIA
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA): Identifies risks from data processing activities.
  • Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): Identifies risks from a business project.
Privacy / Validation Test Assessment
  • DPIA Threshold
  • PIA Threshold
  • DPIA Threshold: Determines if a full DPIA assessment needs to be conducted.
  • PIA Threshold: Determines if a full PIA assessment needs to be conducted.
Privacy / Balancing Test Assessment LIA Legitimate Interests Assessment (LIA): Determines the legitimate interests of a business process or determines the lawful basis or legally permissible reason for processing data.
AI Governance Business Context Allows you to provide details about how your AI use case will impact the business. Your organization will use this information to understand the business needs and requirements associated with implementing your AI use case.
AI Governance Data and AI Models Allows you to provide details about the AI models and data that will be used for the AI use case. Your organization will use this information to understand the potential workload and risks associated with implementing your AI use case.
AI Governance Legal and Ethics Allows you to identify potential legal and ethical risks associated with the AI use case. Answers will become a part of the AI use case definition.
AI Governance Risks and Safeguards Allows you to identify and document potential business-related risks associated with the AI use case, as well as available safeguards. This will help your organization determine the overall risk of this Use Case.