Edit a notebook

When you edit a notebook, your changes are automatically saved, creating new versions.

Editing a published notebook unpublishes the notebook. When you republish the edited notebook, a new Data Notebook asset isn't created. Instead, the existing Data Notebook asset is updated with your changes.

Tip You can also edit a published notebook by clicking Edit Notebook on the Data Notebook asset page. If you want to open the notebook for editing in a new tab, you can right-click the button.


  • You have a global role that has the following global permission: Product Rights > Data Notebook
  • To edit a private notebook: You are the creator of the notebook or its editor if it was previously published.
  • To edit a published notebook: You have a resource role that has the following resource permissions:
    • Asset > Data > View notebook content
    • Asset > Update
    • Asset > Attribute > Update


  1. Open the notebook.
  2. Edit the information.
    Your changes are automatically saved.
  • If the notebook was previously published and you want to undo all the changes you made to it since it was last published, click Discard unpublished changes.
  • If you want to publish your changes, click Publish or Publish Changes.
  • You can also restore a previous version of the notebook.

What's next?

Publish the notebook.