Add your own template field


In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

You can customize the toolbox in the left pane in an assessment template by adding up to three fields from the canvas using the Add to Toolbox option. This optionicon copies the field, including its configuration, and adds it to the toolbox so you can reuse the configured version of the field throughout the template. Thus, the fields that are added to the toolbox are essentially the configured versions of the standard toolbox fields.

  • When you add a field to the toolbox, its values in the ID, Name, and Copy Response to Assessed Asset fields aren't copied.
  • The fields you add to the toolbox aren't saved in the toolbox when you close the template, even if you save your changes.
Example Suppose that you have configured a Checkbox field, which is a standard toolbox field, with the following values:
  • Successfully implemented
  • Partially implemented or planned
  • Not yet implemented or planned
  • Not applicable

If you then add the configured field to the toolbox, you can reuse the configured field throughout your template, without having to configure the values each time.


You have a global role that has the Assessments > Manage Templates global permission.


  1. Open or create a template.
  2. On the canvas, click the field you want to configure before adding to the toolbox.
    Tip If the field hasn't been added to the canvas yet, click the field in the toolbox.
  3. Configure the field in the sidebar.
  4. Click .
    The question is added to the toolbox as an additional question type.

    Note You can add up to three fields to the toolbox. If you try to add another field, the last field in the toolbox is overwritten.

  5. On the canvas, click Add to Toolbox below the field.
    The configured field is added to the toolbox as an additional field.

    Note You can add up to three fields to the toolbox. If you try to add another field, the last field in the toolbox is overwritten.