Ratings enable you to subjectively rate the quality of an asset using a five-star rating system and enter a free-text review of the asset to support your rating.
You can select a star rating and leave a review on asset pages to let your colleagues know how complete, accurate, or meaningful the asset is. These ratings can be helpful when you are searching for meaningful and trustworthy data for your own work. Unlike objective parameters such as data quality, certifications, and articulation scores, ratings are purely a subjective evaluation of the quality of data.
Ratings are enabled by asset type. When ratings are enabled for a particular asset type, you can rate any asset of that asset type.
The following table contains the resource permissions required to rate assets or to edit or delete ratings.
Resource permission | Description |
Rating > Add |
Rate any asset of an asset type for which the feature is enabled. |
Rating > Modify |
Edit others' ratings. |
Rating > Remove |
Delete others' ratings. |
- Users are granted permissions through global roles and responsibilities, not directly.
- While guest users can view all ratings and reviews, they can't provide their own ratings or reviews.
- Adding, editing, or removing a rating doesn't change the asset's last modified date.