User mentions


In Collibra 2024.05, we've launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:

You can draw a user's attention to a comment, community, domain, or asset via the User mention option.

Mention a user

To mention a user in a comment, select or enter @, and then type the user's first name, last name, or username. As you type a name, matching names appear, even if the typed character is not the first character in a name.

In a user mention, the user is addressed by their first and last names. If the first and last names for a user are not available, their username is used. If, however, the profile of the user is deleted, their name in the mention is replaced with @Deleted User.

List of user mentions

To view all the comments in which you are mentioned, go to your profile page, and then, in the tab pane, click Mentions.



The name of the user who mentioned you in a comment. This can be the full name, first name, last name, or username of the user, depending on which information is available.
The name of the resource to which the comment was added.
The time when the comment was added.

The link to the comment. When you click the link, the resource page is shown with the comment highlighted.

Email notification

When you mention a user, they receive an email message that contains the content of the comment in which they are mentioned and a link to the page containing the comment.



The name of the user who mentioned you in a comment. This can be the full name, first name, last name, or username of the user, depending on which information is available. If you click the name, their profile page in Collibra is shown. You are, however, first prompted to sign in to Collibra.

The name of the resource (that is, community, domain, or asset) to which the comment was added. If you click the name, the resource page in Collibra is shown.

The content of the comment. If you click your name, your profile page in Collibra is shown.

The button to open the comment in Collibra.
The button to open the list of all comments in which you are mentioned, in Collibra.

View permission

If you mention a user who does not have the permission to view the resource, a message indicating so appears.

If you are the mentioned user who does not have the permission to view the resource, and if you click the resource link in the email notification, the following message is shown: Not authorized.