Configuration variables

Configuration variables are the process variables listed in the Variables section of the workflow definition page in Collibra, where you can edit them. These are usually variables that don’t change often but that you may want to configure after you deploy the workflow. By using configuration variables, you don't need to modify the workflow definition file or ask the initiator of the workflow for input every time the workflow starts.

When you upload a workflow, Collibra automatically adds the following default configuration variables for each user task of your workflow:

Variable Description Example
<task id>DueDate The date by which the user is expected to complete the task. This variable is only used for mentioning a due date when a task is presented to a user. For more information about the allowed values, see Duration variables. accept_reviewDueDate
<task id>EscalationDuration The elapsed time before a user task is escalated, starting from the creation time. For more information about the allowed values, see Duration variables. When the time has elapsed, the Escalation Process workflow starts. review_solutionEscalationDuration
<task id>EscalationType The type of escalation: mail (default) or reassign. The process variable is used in the Escalation Process workflow. assign_reviewerEscalationType
<task id>TaskNotificationEnabled If true (default), a notification email is sent to the candidate users of the task when the task is created. If false, no emails are sent. review_issueTaskNotificationEnabled

Your workflow may have additional configuration variables that you define in the workflow start event form.

Note If you set the Writeable property of a configuration variable to false, you will not be able to change its value on the workflow definition page. You can use and change the value of the variable throughout your workflow the same as any other process variable.

Note If you redeploy a workflow, the configured variables remain the same. If you delete a workflow and then deploy it again, the variables revert to the default values.