Workflow is broken after upgrade from Collibra 5.5.2 or older to 5.6.0 or newer

Valid BPMN workflow files must have the same value for :

  • the processRef attribute of the participant tag.
  • the id attribute of the process tag.

The workflow engine in Collibra 5.5.2 or older ignores this requirement and accepts the file.

Example of an invalid BPMN file

<collaboration id="Collaboration">
    <participant id="pool1" name="Pool" processRef="process_pool1"></participant>
<process id="process_pool2" name="Process Pool" isExecutable="true">
    <laneSet id="laneSet_process_pool2">
        <lane id="lane1"></lane>

Invalid BPMN workflow files may lead to the following:

  • After an upgrade to Collibra 5.6.0 or newer, the workflows with invalid BPMN files do not work and result in a java.lang.NullPointerException error, visible in the Collibra Console logs.
  • Uploading the invalid BPMN file to Collibra 5.6.0 or newer results in an Unexpected error.

    Unexpected error message in Collibra Data Governance Center

  • Editing the invalid BPMN file in Eclipse IDE with the Flowable Diagram Editor results in an empty canvas or an empty pool, and a java.lang.NullPointerException error.

    NullPointer error for invalid BPMN workflow file in Eclipse Flowable Diagram Editor

To solve this issuse, edit the invalid BPMN file with a text editor and use the same value for the processRef and id attributes.