
An assignment is a collection of components, such as characteristics and statuses, assigned to an asset type and optionally to its child asset types.

Assignments determine what you can do with assets in the user interface of Collibra Data Intelligence Platform. However, via the Import API, the import functionality or a workflow, you can add characteristic types that are not in the assignment.

Assignments and scopes

You can apply an assignment globally, creating a global assignment, or to a scope, creating a scoped assignment.

The global assignment applies to all assets that are not in a scope. A scoped assignment only applies to assets that are located in a domain or community that belongs to the scope. An asset type can only have one global assignment, but may have many scoped assignments.

Before adding a scoped assignment, an asset type must have a global assignment. You can add the global assignment by going to the asset type page and clicking the Add Global Assignment button.

Note Self-relation types are now divided in the assignment table with the head and tail appearing on separate lines.


You can assign the following components to an asset type:

Component Description

The Characteristics page contains a list of all attribute types, relation types and complex relation types that you can add to an asset of this type, if the asset is in the scope of the assignment.

An assignment line consists of the following:

  • One characteristic type, including its description and kind.

  • The minimum and maximum cardinality. Learn more

    The minimum number of occurrences of the characteristic.

    Set this option to 1 or greater to make the characteristic appear automatically on the asset page.


    The maximum number of occurrences that you can assign to an asset type.

    Leave this option empty if you don't want a limit to the maximum number of occurrences.

  • The asset type filter, if the characteristic is a relation type.
    You can use the asset type filter to restrict the asset types that you can use as the target of this relation type.
    Example The MicroStrategy Report Attribute asset type has an assignment line containing the "Report Attribute contained in / contains Report" relation type. Instead of allowing any asset of the Report type or its children, you can use the asset type filter to restrict it to only assets of the MicroStrategy Report type.
Domain types The Domain types page contains the hierarchy of domain types. You can select domain types to allow assets of this type to be put in domains of this type. Assets of this asset type can then only be created in the domains of the selected types.
Statuses The Statuses page contains a list of statuses with their description. When you create a new asset of the asset type for which you have an assignment, the asset has the first status from this list.
Articulation The Articulation page shows the articulation score calculator
Data quality rules The Data quality rules page contains a list of data quality rules with their description.
Validation rules The Validation rules page contains a list of validation rules with their description.


If an asset type does not have an assignment, then the asset type inherits all assignments of its parent asset type. If an asset type has one or more assignments, it does not inherit any assignments of its parent asset type.