Collibra Data Intelligence Platform
Failure to upgrade to the most recent release of the Collibra Service and/or Software may adversely impact the security, reliability, availability, integrity, performance or support (including Collibra’s ability to meet its service levels) of the Service and/or Software. Collibra hereby disclaims all liability, express or implied, for any reduction in the security, reliability, availability, integrity, performance or support of the Service and/or Software to the extent the foregoing would have been avoided had you allowed Collibra to implement the most current release of the Service and/or Software when scheduled by Collibra. Further, to the extent your failure to upgrade the Service and/or Software impacts the security, reliability, availability, integrity or performance of the Service and/or Software for other customers or users of the Service and/or Software, Collibra may suspend your access to the Service and/or Software until you have upgraded to the most recent release.
Note Some items included in this release may require an additional cost. Please contact your Collibra representative or Customer Success Manager with any questions.