About the last modification date
The last modification date shows the date of the last modification to an asset. Not all modifications to an asset will change this date. On this page, you see an overview of actions that change the last modification date and actions that don't.
Actions that change the last modification date
- Asset property changes:
- Asset (full) name
- Asset display name
- Asset status
- Move asset to another domain
- Exclude or include asset from auto-hyperlinking
- Asset attribute changes:
- Add new attribute
- Edit attribute value
- Delete an attribute
- Other:
- Articulation score
Actions that don't change the last modification date
- Asset relations:
- Add a relation to an asset
- Remove a relation from an asset
- Asset responsibilities:
- Grant a new role to a user or user group
- Remove a user or user group
- Collaborative actions:
- Add or remove tags
- Add or remove ratings
- Start workflows
- Task completion
- Add, edit or remove comments
- Other:
- Add attachment
- Take diagram picture
- Validation result