Enable or disable classification on an Edge site

Classification on an Edge site is part of a functionality called Profiling and Classification via Edge, which combines both processes into one. You must set up both Profiling and Classification to use this functionality. For more information, go to About profiling and classification via Edge.

If you have an existing Edge site installation without classification, you can enable it afterwards. Similarly, you can disable classification on an installation where it is enabled.

Note Enabling or disabling classification can take a few minutes before the changes are in effect.

Enable classification

To enable classification on an existing Edge site, deployed on K3S, run this command:

POD_NAME=$(sudo /usr/local/bin/kubectl get pod -n collibra-edge -l app.kubernetes.io/component=application-controller -o name)

sudo /usr/local/bin/kubectl -n collibra-edge exec -it ${POD_NAME} \ -- bash -c 'argocd admin cluster kubeconfig https://kubernetes.default.svc \ /tmp/config --namespace collibra-edge ; env KUBECONFIG=/tmp/config argocd app set collibra-edge --core -p collibra.classification.enabled=true'
Note Edge supports the following managed Kubernetes clusters:
  • AKS
  • AWS Fargate using EKS
  • EKS
  • GKE
  • OpenShift

Follow the steps below if you use a supported Kubernetes cluster.

To enable classification on an existing Edge site, deployed on your dedicated cluster, run this command:

POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pod -n collibra-edge -l app.kubernetes.io/component=application-controller -o name)

kubectl -n collibra-edge exec -it ${POD_NAME} \ -- bash -c 'argocd admin cluster kubeconfig https://kubernetes.default.svc \ /tmp/config --namespace collibra-edge ; env KUBECONFIG=/tmp/config argocd app set collibra-edge --core -p collibra.classification.enabled=true'

Disable classification

To disable classification on an existing Edge site, deployed on K3S, run this command:

POD_NAME=$(sudo /usr/local/bin/kubectl get pod -n collibra-edge -l app.kubernetes.io/component=application-controller -o name)

sudo /usr/local/bin/kubectl -n collibra-edge exec -it ${POD_NAME} \ -- bash -c 'argocd admin cluster kubeconfig https://kubernetes.default.svc \ /tmp/config --namespace collibra-edge ; env KUBECONFIG=/tmp/config argocd app set collibra-edge --core -p collibra.classification.enabled=false'

Tip The only difference between disabling classification and enabling classification is that the last argument is false instead of true.

Note Edge supports the following managed Kubernetes clusters:
  • AKS
  • AWS Fargate using EKS
  • EKS
  • GKE
  • OpenShift

Follow the steps below if you use a supported Kubernetes cluster.

To disable classification on an existing Edge site, deployed on your dedicated cluster, run this command:

POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pod -n collibra-edge -l app.kubernetes.io/component=application-controller -o name)

kubectl -n collibra-edge exec -it ${POD_NAME} \ -- bash -c 'argocd admin cluster kubeconfig https://kubernetes.default.svc \ /tmp/config --namespace collibra-edge ; env KUBECONFIG=/tmp/config argocd app set collibra-edge --core -p collibra.classification.enabled=false'

Tip The only difference between disabling classification and enabling classification is that the last argument is false instead of true.

Successful execution of either command returns the following output:

INFO[0000] Starting configmap/secret informers
INFO[0000] Configmap/secret informer synced

Note You do not need to restart Edge when you have enabled or disabled classification.

What's next

If you enable classification, the next step is to enable profiling for Edge.