How to pull Collibra Edge docker images

You can pull docker images used by Edge to perform security scans and audits. With this process, you use docker CLI to authenticate to the Collibra Edge docker registry in order to get a list of images used by each Edge site version.

Note This method of pulling images is only supported for security scanning of supported Edge versions, and not for new installations of an Edge site. If you want to use a private docker registry for new Edge site installations, use the method outlined in the Configure a private docker registry documentation. For more information on which versions of Edge are supported with the latest release, go to our Compatibility matrix.


  1. Authenticate with Collibra Edge docker registry.
  2. Define the version of Edge you want to scan.
    • We recommend using the latest Edge site version.
  3. Obtain a list of images that need to be mirrored.
    Note Parameter key:
    1. dip_user: The username you use to log into Collibra Data Intelligence Platform.
    2. dip_pass: The password you use to log into Collibra.
    3. dip_url: The Collibra URL.
    4. edge_version: The version of Edge you want to upgrade to found in step 2. For example, <2023.11>.
      • Use the CURL command to get the list of images.

        Note You must install the jq command to use the CURL command.
        curl -u <dip_user> -p <dgc_pass>  <dip_url>/edge/api/rest/v2/releaseinfo/<edge_version> | \
        jq '.images[].image' -r
        Important If you use SSO, instead of username and password, you need to open /resources/manifests/sc-dgc-secret.yaml to obtain the username and password listed in the file. Enter the username for <dic_user> and enter the password for <dgc_pass>.
  4. Pull the images.