Install on Self-hosted Kubernetes
After performing the steps in Before You Install on Self-hosted Kubernetes, you are ready to install Collibra DQ on self-hosted Kubernetes.
Sign in to the Kubernetes cluster
- Sign in to the Kubernetes cluster from a Linux compatible terminal.
- Create a namespace in the cluster using the following code snippet:Copy
kubectl create namespace <owldq>
Pull images from the Collibra registry
Collibra DQ containers are located in the Google Container Registry (
- Download the .json repo-key. It is provided by Collibra. Reach out to your Account Team so they can request a repo-key on your behalf from Engineering.
- Run the following command:
- To pull the images, run the following docker pull commands:
docker login -u _json_key -p "$(cat repo-key.json)"
Note Image names with their versions are provided by Collibra.
docker pull<version and build tag provided by Collibra>
docker pull<version and build tag provided by Collibra>
docker pull<version and build tag provided by Collibra>
docker pull<version and build tag provided by Collibra>
Push images into your private registry
- Sign in to your private container registry.
- Tag and push the images from Collibra to your private registry, by using the following commands:
docker tag <registryURL>/dq-web:2023.11
docker push <registryURL>/dq-web:2023.11
docker tag push NAME[:TAG]
Create an SSL keystore secret
kubectl create secret generic dq-ssl-secret \
--from-file /path/to/keystore.jks \
--namespace <namespace>
Warning The file name that you use in the --from-file
argument should be keystore.jks. If the file name is anything else, you must include an additional argument specifying the keystore file name in the Helm command.
Create a pull secret
Note Deploying containers directly from the Collibra image repository is not recommended. You should only access the Collibra image registry for the initial download and validation of Docker images. After this, you should upload and store images to your private registry to provide you control over when the images are updated and eliminate any operational dependencies on Collibra's repository.
To create a pull secret, use the following code snippet:
kubectl create secret docker-registry dq-pull-secret \
--docker-server=<cdq-registry-server> \
--docker-username=_json_key \
--docker-email=<service-account-email> \
--docker-password="$(cat /path/to/key.json)" \
--namespace <namespace>
Note If your private registry is used for images and if they are accessible from within the Kubernetes cluster, this secret need not be created. If credentials are required to access your private registry, create this secret by modifying the docker-server URL and docker-password.