Intraday Positions

It is common for financial organizations to receive a steady stream of files that have hourly or minutely data. The files might trail the market in a near real-time fashion. Below is an example:


File Contents @ 9am

2019-01-22 09:00 T&G xyz LONG 300
2019-01-22 09:00 Fisher abc SHORT 20
2019-01-22 09:00 TradeServ def LONG 120

File Contents @ 10am

2019-01-22 10:00 T&G xyz LONG 280
2019-01-22 10:00 BlackTR ghi SHORT 45

Notice that during the day you may or may not have a position for every company recorded. We need a way to link the "company" to its position throughout the day but not alert in cases where they simply did not trade or adjust their position. Collibra DQ offers real-time outlier detection for this scenario (see code snippet below). We also need to ensure that each company's position is only represented once per file (per hour in this case) because positions are already the aggregate view of the trades, so they should be unique. DQ offers duplicate detection (see code snippet below).

Collibra DQ Pipeline

// Part of your pipeline includes the ingestion of files that have the date
// and hour encoded in the file name. How do you process those files using Collibra DQ?
// Format: <name>_<year>_<month>_<day>.csv

val filePath = // <set this> positions/2019/01/22/positions_2019-01-22_09.csv

// Configure Collibra DQ.
val opt = new OwlOptions
opt.dataset = "positions"
opt.load.delimiter = ","
opt.load.fileQuery = "select * from dataset"
opt.load.filePath = file.getPath

opt.outlier.on = true
opt.outlier.key = Array("COMPANY")
opt.outlier.timeBin = TimeBin.HOUR

opt.dupe.on = true
opt.dupe.include = Array("COMPANY", "TICK")
opt.dupe.exactMatch = true

// Parse the filename to construct the run date (-rd) that will be passed
// to Collibra DQ.
val name = file.getName.split('.').head
val parts = name.split("_")
val date = parts.slice(2, 5).mkString("-")
val hour = parts.takeRight(1).head

// Must be in format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'.
val rd = s"${date} ${hour}"

// Tell Collibra DQ to process data
opt.runId = rd

// Create a DataFrame from the file.
val df = OwlUtils.load(opt.load.filePath, opt.load.delimiter, spark)

// Instantiate an OwlContext with the dataframe and our custom configuration.
val owl = OwlUtils.OwlContext(df, spark, opt)

// Make sure Collibra DQ has catalogued the dataset.

// Let Collibra DQ do the rest!

DQ Web

DQ Coverage for Position data

  • Schema evolution
  • Profiling
  • Correlation analysis
  • Segmentation
  • Outlier detection
  • Duplicate detection
  • Pattern mining