Financial FxRate Data

Collibra DQ Automatically Alerts to Incorrect Foreign Exchange (FX) Rate Data without a Single Rule

FX Rate data commonly looks like the below table. Often you have a TO currency and a FROM currency with the RATE being the multiplier column for conversion. For example, in March you would need to spend $1 US Dollar and 18 US cents to receive $1 Euro. "In exchange for":

USD EUR 0.82 2019-03-12
EUR USD 1.18 2019-03-12
USD YEN 111.0 2019-03-12

28,000 Currency Pairs

There are roughly 28,000 currency pairs and the exchange rates change throughout the day but at a minimum most banks are concerned with the daily close of the FX Rate. Now imagine trying to write a rule for each currency pair. You'd have to know the relationship and adjust a static threshold for each of the 28K pairs every couple of days to keep the rule intact. Our minds quickly jump to a conclusion that we might be able to solve this with simple math. We can get closer using averages or percent change formulas but these formulas quickly come up short when some currencies commonly fluctuate more than others. Our minds then quickly graduate from stats 101 to 201 and we could consider the individual variance of every combination. But even this only gets us so far as time is an important dimension, the length of time or window can often be tricky to calculate. The problem gets harder when you run your basic stat model and receive multiple false positive alerts. Signal-to-noise ratio is important, confidence factors are important and down-training individual foreign currencies that don't seem to fit your statical model are important. Knowing if you copied the data incorrectly, truncated nine levels of precision on the decimal, or if the source provider sent the wrong information is important. Needing the ability to flag exceptions in production on a single currency pair while not flagging the other 27,445 pairs. Using a feedback loop so that the data steward interactions are captured and learned from vs having to take the same corrective action over and over. What happens when there is a typo in the currency pair or a single pair goes missing? The answer is that rules don't scale and we need much more than just one off statistical metrics to have a robust and trust worthy data quality program.


Even when it is possible to deploy a team of smart people to build a solution to handle this use case, the question then becomes "but what about all my other data, don't I want similar yet different controls on everything?" Especially since FX Rate data by itself doesn't mean that much and is often combined with a number of other data sets to produce value. What if those data sets aren't accurate either? But those data sets have very different columns, different relationships and different time windows. DQ takes an auto-learning approach whereby it interrogates and runs fitness tests against each data set individually to devise the best statistical and learning approach. The goal being to provide an automated and elegant way to have consistent controls across all your data sets.

Auto Adapting DQ Checks for FxRate Data

-ds fx_rate \
-rd $rd \
-dl \
-q "select * from FX_RATE where date = '${rd}'" \
-cxn dbConnName \
-dupe -dupeinc TO_CURR,FROM_CURR -depth 0

What this DQ Check Does

  • Automatic correlation and relationship analysis
  • Histogramming and segmentation analysis
  • Anomaly detection
  • Currency pair tracking
  • Schema evolution
  • Removes 28K static rules
  • Duplicate detection for redundant currency pairs