Stat Rules

A powerful technique is to access profile statistics in your rules. These are typically sub-second operations that do not require scanning or iterating. There are several cases where SQL struggles to support rules, such as: isNull but not "null count" or nullRatio or nullPercent. Or having access to types without doing crazy cast() operations. These are simplified below, for example fname.$type != 'String'.

select * from @dataset where 
fname.$type != 'String' AND $rowCount < 800

Dataset-level stat rules

Dataset-level Stat Rule Rule Example Description
$totalTimeInSeconds $totalTimeInSeconds > 25 Alert when DQ job runs longer than 25 seconds.
$totalTimeInMinutes $totalTimeInMinutes > 5 Alert when DQ job runs longer than 5 minutes.
$totalTimeInHours $totalTimeInHours > 1 Alert when DQ job runs longer than 1 hour.
$rowCount $rowCount < 9000 Alert when row count less than 9,000.
$runDate $runDate='2020-01-24' Use the ${rd} variable in rules.
$daysWithoutData $daysWithoutData > 4 Alert when a dataset has missing or no rows for 5 days.
$runsWithoutData $runsWithoutData > 4 Alert when a dataset runs but has missing or no rows for 5 days.
$daysSinceLastRun $daysSinceLastRun > 4 Alert when a dataset has not run for 5 days.

Column-level stat rules

Column-level Stat Rule Rule Example Description
.$type fname.$type != 'String' Alert when fname is not a string.
.$min fname.$min > 'apple' Lexicographical sort works for strings and numbers.
.$minNum age.$minNum > 13

Type casted to a numeric for simple number checks.

.$mean row_id.$mean > '4.500' Alert when the mean is greater than a given value.
.$max fname.$max > 'apple' Alert when the max is greater than a given value.
.$maxNum age.$maxNum > 13 Alert when the numeric value falls outside an acceptable range.
.$uniqueCount id.$uniqueCount != $rowCount Alert when the uniqueCount of a field doesn't match the rowCount.
.$uniqueRatio gender.$uniqueRatio between .4 and .6 Alert when the ratio of uniqueCounts of a given field doesn't match the rowCount.
.$nullRatio lname.$nullRatio not between .4 and .6 Alert when the ratio of nulls no longer falls within acceptable range.
.$nullPercent lname.$nullPercent not between 40 and 60 Alert when the percent of nulls no longer falls within acceptable range
.$nullCount lname.$nullCount >= 1 Test for a single null.
.$emptyRatio nc.$emptyRatio > 0.2 Alert when the ratio of empties no longer falls within acceptable range.
.$emptyPercent nc.$emptyPercent > 20 Alert when the percent of empties no longer falls within an acceptable range.
.$emptyCount   Alert when the emptyCounts of a field no longer fall within an acceptable range.
.$mixedTypeRatio nc.$mixedTypeRatio > 0.2 Alert when the ratio of mixed data types no longer falls within an acceptable range.

For example, Strings and Ints in the same field.
.$mixedTypePercent nc.$mixedTypeRatio > 20

Alert when the percent of mixed data types no longer falls within an acceptable range.

For example, Strings and Ints in the same field.

.$mixedTypeCount id.$mixedTypeCount >= 1 Alerts when the mixed data typeCount no longer falls within an acceptable range.

For example, Strings and Ints in the same field.

Distribution Rule

There is a common case in DQ where you want to know the distribution of a column's value. Consider gender. It can be expected that a column named gender consists of roughly 40-60% males and roughly 40-60% females if the data set is large and represents the population. This can be difficult to express in plain SQL, but it is very easy with the below syntax.

gender['Male'].$uniquePercent between 40 and 60
Column Value-level Rule
.$uniqueCount credit_rating['FAIR'].$uniqueCount > 7
.$uniquePercent credit_rating['GOOD'].uniquePercent between 40 and 60

Known Limitations

  • The $daysWithoutData stat rule has a limitation where rules that are not named "daysWithoutData" do not display their Pulse View charts when you drill into the rule on the Findings page. A possible workaround for this is to name your stat rule exactly as it appears here: daysWithoutData.
  • You cannot combine stat rules or distribution rules with regex rules in the same rule. For example, car_vin rlike '$[asdf][0-9]' and car_vin.$uniqueCount