Collibra DQ Rules

In this section, you can learn how to work with Rules in Notebooks written in Scala.


Code Description
val = new Rule() Instantiating a Rule object
rule.setDataset(<DATASET>) Adding the name of the dataset
rule.setRuleNm(<RULE_NAME>) Adding the name of the given rule
rule.setRuleValue(<RULE_EXPRESSION>) Setting the simple RULE_EXPRESSION
rule.setRuleType(<RULE_TYPE>) Setting the rule type
rule.setPerc(<RULE_PERCENTAGE>) Setting the percentage
rule.setPoints(<RULE_POINT>) Setting how many points will be deducted from total for each percentage

Making rule active/inactive

Possible values:

ACTIVE: 1 / true

INACTive: 0 / false

rule.setUserNm(<RULE_OWNER_USER_NAME>) Adding the owner

Rule Types


Required imports

import com.owl.core.Owl
import com.owl.core.util.OwlUtils
import com.owl.common.options.OwlOptions
import com.owl.common.{Props, Utils}

import com.owl.common.domain2.Rule

import org.apache.spark.sql.funtions._

SparkSession initialization

Databricks and other notebook execution frameworks are working with managed/shared Spark sessions, therefore, Collibra DQ recommend using this code snippet in your notebook to initialize the current Spark session properly.

// ----- Init Spark ----- //
def sparkInit(): Unit = {
  sparkSession = SparkSession.builder

Warning Do not call spark.stop at any of your notebooks. Otherwise, the execution engine will exit immediately.

Important Make sure OwlContext is already created before using any method from OwlUtils.