Simple rule

You can use simple rules to filter a condition on a single column in a single table.

Example #1

This example shows you how to create a simple SQL rule named simple_sql_rule.

Code Description
rule.setRuleNm("simple_sql_rule") Add the name of the given rule.
rule.setRuleValue("startDate < '2011-11-01'")

Set the simple SQL expression.
JOIN is not allowed between tables.

rule.setRuleType("SQLG") Set the rule type.



import com.owl.core.Owl
import com.owl.core.util.OwlUtils
import com.owl.common.bll.{RuleBll, RuleTemplateBll}
import com.owl.common.domain2.Rule
import com.owl.common.options.{LoadOpt, OwlOptions}

import org.junit.{Assert, Test}

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val loadOptions = new LoadOpt {
  pghost = "localhost:5432/postgres"
  pguser = "username"
  pgpassword = "password"

//----- Init Spark ----- //
def sparkInit(): SparkSession = {
  val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder


def simpleRuleNotebook(): Unit = {

  // Arrange
  val spark = sparkInit()
  import spark.implicits._

  val headers = "firstName,lastName,startDate"
  val source = Seq(
    ("Thomas", "Martinez", "2010-11-01"),
    ("Harry", "Williams", "2012-05-01"),
    ("Ethan", "Davis", "2009-08-01")
  val arr = headers.split(",")
  val df = source.toDF(arr: _*)

  val opt = new OwlOptions {
    runId = "2019-09-20"
    dataset = "simple_sql_rule_ds"
     load = loadOptions

  val rule = new Rule {
    setRuleValue("startDate < '2011-11-01'")

  val cdq = OwlUtils.OwlContext(df, opt)

  // Act

  // Assert
  import scala.collection.JavaConversions
  val hootRule = JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(owl.hoot.rules).find(x => rule.getRuleNm.equals(x.getRuleNm)).orNull


// Execute notebook

You can do multiple assertions on the result of the DQ Check process.
The owl.hoot parameter will provide access to the execution results, in this case for the rule.

Example #2

This example shows you how to create a simple SQL rule with templates named simple_sql_rule_with_template.


  1. Create the rule template, where the template column name should be marked with $colNm string.\

    val ruleTemplate = RuleTemplateBll.createRuleTemplate(
        "Column cannot contain null or empty values", 
        " $colNm is null or $colNm = \'\' or $colNm  = \'null\' "
  2. Create the Rule instance, where value of RuleValue will be used to replace $colNm in the template expression.\

    val rule = RuleBll.createRule(opt.dataset)
    rule.setRuleType("CUSTOM") // legacy type required to look into rule repo
    rule.setRuleRepo("not_null_or_empty") // custom rule name to pull rule value from rule repo


import com.owl.core.Owl
import com.owl.core.util.OwlUtils
import com.owl.common.bll.{RuleBll, RuleTemplateBll}
import com.owl.common.domain2.Rule
import com.owl.common.options.{LoadOpt, OwlOptions}

import org.junit.{Assert, Test}

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val loadOptions = new LoadOpt {
  pghost = "localhost:5432/postgres"
  pguser = "username"
  pgpassword = "password"

//----- Init Spark ----- //
def sparkInit(): SparkSession = {
  val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder


 def simpleRuleWithTemplate(): Unit = {

  // Arrange
  val spark = sparkInit()
  import spark.implicits._

  val headers = "firstName,lastName,city"
  val source = Seq(
    ("Thomas", "Martinez", ""),
    ("Harry", "Williams", null),
    ("Ethan", "Davis", "Los Angeles")
  val arr = headers.split(",")
  val df = source.toDF(arr: _*)

  val opt = new OwlOptions {
    runId = "2019-09-20"
    dataset = "simple_sql_rule_with_template_ds"
    onReadOnly = false
    load = loadOptions
  // create a generic rule
  val ruleRepoName = "not_null_or_empty"
  val ruleRepo = OwlUtils.createRuleTemplate(ruleRepoName, "Column cannot contain null or empty values", "$colNm is null or $colNm = \'\' or $colNm  = \'null\'")
  val cdq = OwlUtils.OwlContext(df, opt)

  val rule = OwlUtils.createRule(opt.dataset)
  rule.setRuleType("CUSTOM") // legacy type required to look into rule repo
  rule.setRuleRepo("not_null_or_empty") // custom rule name to pull rule value from rule repo

  val cdq = OwlUtils.OwlContext(df, opt)
  // Act

  // Assert
  import scala.collection.JavaConversions
  val hootRule = JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(owl.hoot.rules).find(x => rule.getRuleNm.equals(x.getRuleNm)).orNull
// Execute notebook