Command Line

Scale + Data Science

Where Scale meets Data Science. Scale linearly with your data by adding executors and/or memory.

-f "file:///Users/home/salary_data.csv" \
-d "," \
-rd "2018-01-08" \
-ds "salary_data"
-numexecutors 2 \
-executormemory 2g

Yarn Master

If CollibraDQ is run on an edge node on a popular hadoop distribution such as HDP, CDH, EMR it will automatically register the jobs with Yarn Resource Manager.

Spark Master

DQ also runs using spark master by using the -master input and passing in spark:url.

Spark Standalone

DQ runs in standalone most but naturally will not distribute the processing beyond the hardware it was activated on.

Options Description
deploymode spark deploymode option
drivermemory driver memory example 3G for local space
executorcores spark executor cores
executormemory spark executor memory option example 3G
master overrides local[*], i.e. spark://myhost:7077, yarn-client, yarn-cluster
sparkprinc kerberos principal name ex: [email protected]

Use Spark-Submit directly bypassing DQCheck

spark-submit \
--driver-class-path /opt/owl/drivers/postgres42/postgresql-42.2.4.jar \
--driver-library-path /opt/owl/drivers/postgres42/postgresql-42.2.4.jar \
--driver-memory 3g --num-executors 2 --executor-memory 1g \
--master spark://Kirks-MBP.home:7077 \
--class com.owl.core.cli.OwlCheck /opt/owl/bin/owl-core-trunk-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
-u user -p pass -c jdbc:postgresql:// \
-ds accounts -rd 2019-05-05 -dssafeoff -q "select * from accounts"
-driver org.postgresql.Driver -lib /opt/owl/drivers/postgres42/  

Parallel JDBC Spark-Submit

spark-submit \
--driver-class-path /opt/owl/drivers/postgres42/postgresql-42.2.4.jar \
--driver-library-path /opt/owl/drivers/postgres42/postgresql-42.2.4.jar \
--conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dlog4j.configuration=file:///opt/owl/config/ \
--conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=-Dlog4j.configuration=file:///opt/owl/config/ \
--files /opt/owl/config/ \
--driver-memory 2g --num-executors 2 --executor-memory 1g --master spark://Kirks-MBP.home:7077  \
--class com.owl.core.cli.OwlCheck /opt/owl/bin/owl-core-trunk-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
-u us -p pass -c jdbc:postgresql:// \
-ds aumdt -rd 2019-05-05 -dssafeoff -q "select * from aum_dt" \
-driver org.postgresql.Driver -lib /opt/owl/drivers/postgres42/  \
-connectionprops fetchsize=6000 -master spark://Kirks-MBP.home:7077 \
-corroff -histoff -statsoff \
-columnname updt_ts -numpartitions 4 -lowerbound 1557597987353 -upperbound 1557597999947