Time-Based Data Retention

Setting up Retention Based Data Purge

Retention based purge of data can be turned on to allow data to automatically be cleaned based on an organization's data retention policy.


Once enabled, what type of data is removed?

  • data_preview (Drill-in records for rules, outliers, shapes, etc.)
  • dataset_field (profiling stats)
  • rule_breaks (Rule Exception records)
  • dataset_scan (Job Ledger)


In order to set up retention based data purge, three (3) environment variables need to be set up in the owl-env.sh configuration script. Note: a restart of the webapp is required for this configuration to take place.

  • cleaner_retention_enabled
    • TRUE or FALSE on whether this feature is enabled
  • cleaner_retention_days
    • Number of days to retain data
  • cleaner_retention_field
    • Controls which field to use to select eligible data set runs
    • Potential values
      • updt_ts: consider the last time a data set run was updated
      • run_id: consider the run id field of the data set


Example configuration in owl-env.sh

Organization wants to purge data where the updt_ts is more than 1 year old

In owl-env.sh, add the following lines

export cleaner_retention_enabled=TRUE
export cleaner_retention_days=365
export cleaner_retention_field="updt_ts" 

Config Map

autoClean: "false"
cleaner_retention_days: "180"
cleaner_retention_field: updt_ts
cleaner_retention_enabled: "true"

Defaults for Auto Clean Process

Note This is a separate rolling purge that is distinct time-based retention. This is on by default and uses the predefined limits below. You will see audit records for this clean-up process in Audit History of the Admin Console.

Separate from the time-based retention there is also a default auto clean mechanism that actively purges your old records. This is enabled by default and can be modified by use of the autoClean (AUTOCLEAN) boolean parameter.

AUTOCLEAN=false or autoClean="false" 

### Depending whether this is part of owl-env.sh 
### or the configMap of the web pod

These are the defaults. The row count threshold is the global limit when this is triggered. This is based on the records in the data_preview table. The runs threshold and the dataset per row threshold are data set-level limits that require a data set to have at least 4 scans and at least 1000 rows.

This is an example using the owl-env.sh file to control these settings.

export AUTOCLEAN=true
export DATASETS_PER_ROW=1000

For example (using the settings above):

When data_preivew table has 200k rows
Look for data sets with 1000+ rows in data_prevew table
And have at least 4 scans
Then delete the oldest scan for those data sets

Auto clean and time-based retention run on a routine thread that triggers while the web application is running. It looks for clean-up candidates every few minutes when AUTOCLEAN=true or cleaner_retention_enabled=TRUE.