
Note The Pendo integration is active by default.

Pendo is an analytics application embedded in Collibra DQ that helps us analyze, develop, and improve our product. No sensitive information is ever collected, we only leverage high-level usage statistics to improve our offerings. If no modifications are made to the default settings, Pendo will not block or impair the intended functionality of Collibra DQ in any way.

If you install to a Spark Standalone environment, modify the <install-dir>/config/ file by adding your license name.
export DQ_INTEGRATION_PENDO_ACCOUNTID=<your-license-name>

Note  For more information, please review Collibra's Subprocessors page.

If you install a Kubernetes environment, modify the <install-dir>/config/configMap file by adding your license name.
export DQ_INTEGRATION_PENDO_ACCOUNTID=<your-license-name>

Note  For more information, please review Collibra's Subprocessors page.