Create an Event-based Review Rule asset

There are two ways by which you can create Event-based Review Rules assets:

  • Via the global Create button.
  • By editing an out-of-the-box Event-based Review Rule asset.

In Collibra 2024.05, we launched a new user interface (UI) for Collibra Data Intelligence Platform! You can learn more about this latest UI in the UI overview.

Use the following options to see the documentation in the latest UI or in the previous, classic UI:


Via the global Create button

  1. On the main toolbar, click .
    The Create dialog box appears.
  2. On the Assets tab, select Event-based Review Rule.
  3. Enter the required information.
    TypeAsset typeThe asset type. This is pre-populated.
    DomainThe domain in which the asset will be created.
    NameAsset nameThe name of the asset.
  4. Click Create.
    A message stating that the asset is created appears.
  5. Go to the asset page of the newly created asset.
  6. Enter the required information.

    A description of the review rule.

    The text you enter in this field will be added as a comment in the Review Request asset that is created when the rule triggers the review of the related asset.

    Example "A review request has been triggered due to a change in the relation between a Data Set asset that is consumed by this Business Process asset and a Data Element asset. Please consider reviewing the Business Process asset, as a change to the relation between the Data Set asset and the Data Element asset might affect the attributes, such as Safeguard, of the Business Process asset."

    Event Asset Type - Provide UUID of Asset Type Where the Event Happens

    The UUID of the asset type that this review rule will monitor. Assets of the specified asset type will be subject to review if triggered by this rule.

    Type of Event

    Determines the type of change that will trigger a review of a related asset. The possible values are:

    • On attribute change
    • On relation change

    Attribute or Relation Type UUID

    The UUID of the attribute or relation type (depending on your choice in the Type of event field) that this review rule will monitor.

    For Relation Type, Target Asset Type UUID of the Relation Type

    The UUID of the asset type of the target asset.

    Note This field is applicable only if you selected On relation change in the Type of event field.

    For Relation Type, Is Target Asset Type Head or Tail of the Relation?

    Specify whether the target asset represents the head or tail in the relation with the event asset.

    Example The asset type Legal Basis is the head of the relation type Legal Basis determines lawfulness of / lawfulness determined by Business Process.

    Note This field is applicable only if you selected On relation change in the Type of event field.

    Path to Review Asset Type

    A set of complex relations that specifies the path from the asset in which the change occurred (the event asset) to the asset that should be reviewed.

    Use a progressive sequence to specify the order of the path:

    • Sequence 1 is the path from the event asset, to the first-level asset, as determined by the specified relation type.
    • Sequence 2 is the path from the first-level asset to the second-level asset, again as determined by the specified relation type.
    • You can specify as many sequences as is necessary.
    • The last review asset type, as per the sequences in the table, is the asset type for which a review request is created.

    Relation Type UUID

    The UUID of the relation type between:

    • For Sequence 1: The event asset and the first-level review asset type.
    • For subsequent sequences: The first-level review asset type and the subsequent level review asset types.
    • For the last sequence: The previous-level review asset type and the asset type for which a review request will be created.

    Review Asset Type UUID

    The UUID of the asset type of:

    • For Sequence 1: The first-level review asset type.
    • For subsequent sequences: The subsequent level review asset types.
    • For the last sequence: The asset type for which a review request will be created.


    Specify whether:

    • For Sequence 1: The event asset represents the head or tail in the relation with the first-level review asset type.
    • For subsequent sequences: The preceding-level review asset types represent the head or tail in the relation with their successive level asset types.
    • For the last sequence: The penultimate level asset type represents the head or tail in the relation with the asset type for which a review request will be created.
  7. In the subheading, On the Actions menu, click Edit.
    The Edit <asset name> dialog box appears.The Edit Asset dialog box appears.
  8. In the Status field, select Enabled, and then click Save.
    The Event-based Review Rule asset is enabled and will be detected by the Govern Asset workflow.

Edit an out-of-the-box Event-based Review Rule asset

  1. Go to the asset page of an out-of-the-box Event-based Review Rule asset.
    Tip You can find these assets in the Asset Change Management subcommunity, in the Data privacy building blocks community.
    Edit the asset's attributes and relations to meet your needs.