Encrypt passwords for basic authentication

In the Jobserver service configuration, you have to enter an encrypted password. To encrypt the password, use the reversehttp-gateway-standalone utility.


  • You have downloaded the reversehttp-gateway-standalone-<your_reverse_http_version>.jar file that corresponds to your Collibra version.
  • You have the password of the Collibra user that you use to connect to your Collibra Data Intelligence Platform environment.


Note For security reasons, we have truncated the encrypted password in the example.

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt session.
  2. Go to the folder that contains the downloaded JAR file.
  3. Execute the following command:
    java -jar reversehttp-gateway-standalone-<your_reverse_http_version>.jar encrypt
  4. Enter the required information:
    Collibra Reverse HTTP Gateway
    Enter value to encrypt: <password_of_Collibra_user>
    Re-enter value to encrypt: <password_of_Collibra_user>
    Encrypted value: encrypted:k7ScuJ3...

    Note If the entered values in this command don't match, it will ask the values again.

What's next?

If you use an encrypted password in a configuration, use the full string of the Encrypted value result. This includes the prefix encrypted:.