On-premises Jobserver to Collibra Data Intelligence Platform communication

By default, the Data Governance Center service sends ingestion and profiling jobs to the Jobserver. This means that if you are using a Collibra Data Intelligence Platform environment with an on-premises Jobserver, there is an inbound connection to the customer network, which is often not possible for security reasons. To allow such connections, you can use a reverse proxy server.

But, instead of using a reverse proxy, you also have to possibility to reverse this communication, where the on-premises Jobserver initiates the communication to Collibra Data Intelligence Platform.

Communication overview

The following schema shows the communication paths from an on-premises Jobserver to Collibra Data Intelligence Platform or to an on-premises Tableau server:

Jobserver to Collibra Platform communication

In case of an on-premises Tableau server, it is possible that inbound connections to it are not allowed. To establish a communication between your Collibra Data Intelligence Platform and Tableau server, you will need a Jobserver that is dedicated to ingest from the Tableau server. The configuration of the communication from the Jobserver to the Tableau server is similar to the one from a Jobserver to a Collibra Data Intelligence Platform environment.

Each Jobserver has to be a dedicated Jobserver, you cannot use a Jobserver to ingest from both Tableau server and S3 or JDBC data sources.


To enable communication from an on-premises Jobserver to Collibra Data Intelligence Platform, there are two new components:

New component


Reverse HTTP proxy servlet The reverse HTTP proxy is part of the DGC service. It acts as a server for all other Collibra services, whether they are installed on-premises or together with the DGC service in the cloud.
Gateway The gateway is part of the Jobserver service. It polls the DGC service's reverse proxy to fetch tasks and send them to the Jobserver.

You only need the gateway to communicate with an on-premises Tableau server.