JSON Web Token authentication

How JWT authentication works

You can use JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication for your applications that interact with the Collibra REST API.

A diagram depicting Collibra JWT authentication components

A diagram depicting Collibra JWT authentication sequence

A diagram depicting how Collibra reads a customer JWK Set

During this process, your application requests an access token from your Identity Provider (IdP). The IdP acts as the authentication server and returns a signed JWT access token. When your application makes API calls to Collibra, it provides the JWT access token as a Bearer token in the HTTP Authorization header.

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_token>' ...

Benefits of using JWT token authentication include:

  • Keeping the authentication details at the IdP and separate from Collibra.
  • Simplifying your security management.
  • Limiting the time a token is valid for.