Set up and use JWT

The following table summarizes acquiring and using JWT in Collibra REST API requests.



Initial setup
  1. Create a client credential account with a secret in your IdP.
  2. Determine the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) endpoint URL for your IdP.
  3. Register the JWKS endpoint with Collibra.
  4. Create a user in Collibra for your client application account.

    Tip Provide a meaningful first and last name to identify that this is a service account.

When your application starts
  1. Authenticate your client application with your IdP.
  2. Save the returned access token for use in REST API calls.
When your application calls the Collibra REST APIs
  1. Include the JWT token in the authorization HTTP header as a bearer token.
  2. If the API call responds with unauthorized, the access token or JWKS credentials may have expired. Re-authenticate and retry the request.