Publish a template

Although it is more likely that you will publish templates that have the Draft status, you can also publish templates that have the Published status.

If you publish:

  • A template that has the Draft status, the version number is unchanged, but the status becomes Published.
  • A template that has the Published status, the status remains Published, but the version number is incrementally updated.

Note When conducting an assessment, in the list of available assessment types, only the latest versions of published templates are available. If a user starts conducting an assessment with version 1 of a specific template, the template remains unchanged throughout the assessment, even if newer versions of the template have since been published.


You have a global role that has the Assessments > Manage Templates global permission.


  1. Open the templates page and open a template.
  2. Optionally, edit the template to suit your needs.
  3. Click Publish.
    The status of the template is Published and it is made available throughout your organization.