Assessments Approval workflow configuration

Access the workflow configuration via SettingsWorkflowsDefinitionsAssessments Approval.

Applies to

This workflow applies to the following asset types:

Asset type Restriction Remark
Assessment Review None None

Note When you select a parent asset type, it includes all of its children. For example, if you select Business Asset, the workflow also applies to Business Term because it is a type of Business Asset.

Configuration variables

You can edit the configuration variables directly from the workflow definition page by clicking in the upper-right corner of the variables table.

Variable Description Default value


The resource role to which the task is assigned when the workflow is triggered.

Warning For the workflow to work, the resource role specified here must be present as a responsibility in the domain specified when submitting an assessment.

role(Business Steward)

statusId_underReview The UUID of the status that indicates the assessment needs to be reviewed before approval. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000005020
statusId_approved The UUID of the status that indicates the asset has been approved. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000005025
statusId_rejected The UUID of the status that indicates the asset has been rejected. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000005010
attrTypeId_approvalDate The UUID of the attribute type that indicates when an assessment review was approved. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000272
approvalTaskDueDate The due date expressed in duration for task 'approvalTask'. B1M
approvalTaskTaskNotificationEnabled Send notification emails for task 'approvalTask'. True
approvalTaskEscalationDuration The escalation time duration for task 'approvalTask'. B1M
approvalTaskEscalationType The escalation type for task 'approvalTask'. Mail

Start label

The start label is the name of the workflow when it is visible as a button on a resource page or in the drop-down list when you add it as a button on a dashboard. You can find the Start Label section in the upper-right corner of the workflow definition page.

Default value: Assessments Approval

Click Edit to edit the label.

Start Event

A start event is an event that triggers the workflow, for example starting the workflow when an asset is created.

By default, this workflow is configured to start when an asset is added. Specifically, the workflow starts when an assessment is submitted and the Assessment Review asset is created in your Collibra environment.


The roles define the permissions to manage the workflow. For example, if a certain tasks must be urgently executed but the responsible person is on sick leave, a user with the defined role can reassign that task to somebody else.

Action Roles
Start workflow
The button with the start label is available to users with these roles.

There are no roles selected.

Stop workflow
The option to cancel the workflow is available to users with these roles.

There are no roles selected.

Reassign tasks
The option to reassign the task is available to users with these roles.

There are no roles selected.


The settings in this section define global restrictions that apply to the workflow such as:

  • Accessibility to guest or logged in users.
  • Checking that the roles required by the workflow are not empty.
  • Preventing the same worflow or other workflows from running on the same resource.
  • Making the workflow available to be added to a dashboard.
Setting Enabled
Any guest user can start the workflow. No
Any signed in user can start the workflow. No
Perform candidate user check on workflow start. Yes
This workflow can only run once at the same time on a specific resource. Yes
Lock resource. No
Show in global create. No