Organization based on many-to-many relations

The conceptual data layer is organized such that the relationships between Lines of Business and Data Domain assets, and between Data Domain and Data Concept assets, are many-to-many relationships.

This graph-based approach, based on many-to-many relationships, makes the conceptual data layer more concise and flexible.


In this example, we've identified 3 lines of business, each grouping both the Customer and Product data domains. Each data domain groups several data concepts, some of which are grouped by both data domains.

In this case, both data domains group the Name and ID Number data concepts. This is possible because Name and ID Number, as Data Concept assets, are abstract representations of these two concepts, rather than specific implementations of them. The specific implementations are described in the logical data layer and implemented by System assets.
In this way, information stored in the conceptual data layer is kept to a minimum and the Data Domain and Data Concept assets are referred to as often as necessary.

In summary, Line of Business, Data Concept and Data Domain assets are independent assets that do not, by nature, encapsulate or organize the structure of other assets. The Name and ID Number Data Concept assets exist independently of the Data Domain assets that group them. A Customer can have a Name and a Product can have a Name, but you need only one Data Concept asset to represent the idea of “name”.