Google Cloud Storage assets, domain types and operating model

The Google Cloud Storage file system integration of Collibra Platform uses a specific subset of asset types. All of these come out-of -the-box with your software.

Note The File Group asset will only be available if you use Google Dataplex.

Asset type Description
Technology Asset 
Storage Container

An asset type that represents a Storage Container

Technology Asset  Storage Container

A collection of data that is treated by a computer as a unit, for the purposes of input and output.

Technology Asset  Storage Container
GCS Bucket

An asset type that represents an Google Cloud Storage bucket which is a logical unit of storage containing Google Cloud Storage objects.

Technology Asset 
File Group

A collection of physical files which together represent a single logical file.

Technology Asset  System 
File Storage

An asset type that represents a Cloud File Storage bucket.

Technology Asset  System File Storage
GCS File System

An asset type that represents a Google Cloud Storage file system.

In the latest UI, you can view the associated product by adding the Products column to the Asset types tab page in the Collibra settings. You can then also see whether the product is active in your environment.

GCS operating model


If you use Google Dataplex, a Directory can contain a File Group asset instead of File assets.