Expand or collapse nodes

If a node has an outgoing edge with the boxing style, it becomes a boxing node. Your diagram view determines whether boxing nodes are expanded or collapsed by default. Your diagram view can also lock collapsed nodes, which means that you cannot expand the collapsed boxing node.

Tip Though you cannot expand locked nodes, you can explore them to see their boxed nodes.


  1. Open a diagram.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select a node.
    • Select multiple nodes by holding down the select key and clicking nodes.
      On a macOS systemOn a Windows system
      Click the first one and then hold down cmd while clicking on the next ones.Click the first one and then hold down ctrl while clicking on the next ones.
    • In the legend, click the asset type or complex relation type that you want to expand or collapse. You have now selected all nodes of this type.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • In the node, click or .
    • In the context menu of a node, click Expand/Collapse selected.