Assign a characteristic type to an asset type

Important This topic is applicable only to the classic UI. For a similar feature in the latest UI, go to Add a characteristic to an asset.

You can assign a characteristic type to an asset type by adding it to the asset type's assignment. As a result, you can see and add characteristics of this type to assets of this type on the asset page, if the asset is in the scope of the assignment.

Tip You can also do this while editing a layout.



You have a global role that has the System administration global permission.


  1. Open an asset type.
  2. In the tab pane, click Global Assignment. the name of the assignment.
  3. Above the table, to the right, click EditEdit Model.
  4. Above the table, to the right, click Add characteristic.
    The Add a Characteristic dialog box appears.
  5. Click the characteristic type that you want to add.
    Tip You can use the filter to search for a specific characteristic type.
    The characteristic type appears at the bottom of the table.
  6. If required, select an asset type in Asset Type Filter. This helps to find relevant options when manually entering relations.
  7. If required, edit the minimum or maximum number of occurrences of the characteristic.

    The minimum number of occurrences of the characteristic.

    Set this option to 1 or greater to make the characteristic appear automatically on the asset page.


    The maximum number of occurrences that you can assign to an asset type.

    Leave this option empty if you don't want a limit to the maximum number of occurrences.

  8. Above the table, to the right, click Save.
    You can now add the characteristic to the assets of this type.

Note If you ingest assets via Edge then the max cardinality must be set to at least 1.