Re-run a data quality job

  • This feature is available only in the latest UI.
  • This feature is available only when you have an active integration with Collibra Data Quality & Observability.

You can re-run data quality jobs on Table assets when they are configured in Collibra Data Quality & Observability to run on a schedule.

The following screenshot shows two data quality job tiles. The job represented in the tile on the left is configured in Collibra Data Quality & Observability to run on a schedule, showing when the job will run next and allowing users to re-run it directly from the Data Quality Jobs modal. Since the job in the tile on the right is not scheduled, it only shows information from the previous run. The steps outlined in this guide only apply to scheduled jobs, such as the one on the left side of the screenshot.

Screenshot of two data quality job tiles


  • You have a data quality job configured in Collibra Data Quality & Observability to run on a schedule.
  • You have a global role that has the System administration global permission.


  1. In the global Search box, enter the name of your Table asset, and then click it to open it.
  2. The Table asset page opens.
  3. In the At a glance sidebar, click View Monitoring.
  4. The Data Quality Jobs modal appears.
  5. From a data quality job configured to run on a schedule, click Run Again.
  6. A success message appears.
  7. Click View Results in CDQ to navigate to the Findings page in Collibra Data Quality & Observability to view the results of the job run.
  8. The Findings page in Collibra Data Quality & Observability opens in a new tab.